Research and Resources

Clarkson’s Institute for a Sustainable Environment is a hub for integrated research in healthy world solutions across Clarkson’s schools and research centers.
These include the world-class analytical capabilities in our CARES facility, material-based research with industrial partners through CAMP and modeling and computational approaches through the Clarkson Center for Complex System Science (C3S2). Our geographic location provides opportunities for research focused on the Great Lakes, Adirondack Park and great rivers (St. Lawrence and Hudson).
ISE faculty affiliates work with graduate and undergraduate students to conduct environmental, energy and sustainability related research. Many of these students are in ISE interdisciplinary degree programs, others are pursuing a traditional disciplinary degree. Undergraduate researchers from all over the country participate in Clarkson’s long-running NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) program in Environmental Science and Engineering.
Current Areas of Research
Clean Air
Understanding, monitoring and reducing air pollutants to benefit public health
Goodarz Ahmadi
Suresh Dhaniyala
Sujan Fernando
Andrea Ferro
Tom Holsen
Alan Rossner
Clean Energy
Technical, business and social consideration for sustainable and
resilient power systems and energy infrastructure
Bebonchu Atems
Stephen Bird
Jan DeWaters
Daqing Hou
Lisa Legault
Jie Li
Marcias Martinez
Amir Mousavian
Tom Ortmeyer
Susan Powers
Ken Visser
Advanced Materials
Developing methods for environmental sensing and treatment
Silvana Andreescu
Ruth Baltus
Devon Shipp
Shantanu Sur
Mario Wriedt
Circular Economy
Recovering value from waste products
Stefan Grimberg
Santosh Mahapatra
Marcias Martinez
Sulapha Peethamparan
Susan Powers
Clean Water
Managing and treating water resources for health drinking water,
healthy ecosystems and sustainable food systems
Silvana Andreescu
Michelle Crimi
Stefan Grimberg
Tom Holsen
Kathleen Kavanagh
Jennifer Knack
Alex Lee
Selma Mededovic Thagard
Shane Rogers
Hayley Shen
Hung Tao Shen
Joe Skufca
Tyler Smith
Michael Twiss
Weiming Wu
Diana White
Healthy Ecosystems
Assessment, analysis and valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Andrew David
Alex French
Stefanie Kring
Tom Langen
Augustine Lado
Chris Martin
Michael Twiss
Diana White
Healthy Planet
Modeling and analysis of earth systems
Goodarz Ahmadi
Erik Bollt
Marko Budisic
Brian Helenbrook
Sumona Mondal
Joe Skufca
Sustainable and Resilient Communities
Bebonchu Atems
Erik Backus
Stephen Bird
Alex French
Susan Powers
Christopher Robinson
JoAnn Rogers
Annegret Staiger
Weiming Wu
Resources and Facilities
- The Center for Air Resources Science and Engineering (CARES) facility has analytical facilities that houses world-class major instruments for sample analysis, as well as field instrumentation, a computer cluster, wind tunnels, experimental chambers, a clean room and laboratory space specifically designed to support air resources research. This facility is supported by a lab manager to help coordinate equipment needs and train users.
- Clarkson processes its pre-consumer food waste in a two stage anaerobic digester that is also used for research. A second digester at the Cornell Cooperative Extension farm in Canton, N.Y., which is used for small scale agricultural waste, extends the research capacity to advance understanding and implementation of digestion systems.