
Galina Melman received her PhD in Organic Chemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. She worked in startup companies in Israel on the development of specialty inks for secure documents, self-assembled sensing monolayers for “electronic nose” explosive detectors, and as a group leader developing anti-diabetic drugs. She moved back to the Weizmann Institute to work as Staff Scientist and subsequently joined Clarkson University in 2009. Galina enjoys cooking and cross-country skiing.

Education Background

Organic Chemistry Ph.D. - Weizmann Institute of Science
Organic Chemistry M.S. - Weizmann Institute of Science
Radiation Chemistry and Technology M.S. - Mendeleev Chemical Technological Institute
Radiation Chemistry and Technology B.S. - Mendeleev Chemical Technological Institute

Courses Taught

  • CM241 - Organic Chemistry I
  • CM242 - Organic Chemistry II
  • CM244 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
  • CM342 - Food Chemistry

Research Interests

Research interests:

• Synthetic organic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry, Fluorescent dyes and probes –design of compounds with ‘task oriented properties’, multi-step synthesis, purification, and identification by various spectroscopic techniques. I synthesized and characterized biomimetic siderophores possessing multiple hydroxamate binding sites. I synthesized, characterized and measured spectroscopic activity of siderophore complexes labeled with two distinct fluorescent probes that worked as an optical logic gate.

• Coordination Chemistry of transition metal and lanthanide complexes – Synthesis, characterization, and biological and technological relevant applications, in particular, studied polynuclear chiral complexes of C3 symmetric azolines. A main target of our studies was binding properties of these compounds towards transition metal ions and lanthanides as well as the physicochemical and chiroptical properties of the obtained complexes.


  • Clarkson Student Ambassadors Award, 2015
  • Respect Award, 2011
  • Phalanx Commendable Service Award, 2011



Office Phone Number: 315/268-2357

Office Location: 247 Science Center

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5810
