Refund Policy
Proration of charges are based on the last recorded day of the student’s University attendance as determined by and attested to by the Student Achievement Services Office in conjunction with the following tables:
Complete Withdrawal for students enrolled in Semester (Fall & Spring) based programs and Trimester (Fall, Spring & Summer) based programs:
Prior to the start of the term | 100% |
1st week of the term | 90% |
2nd week of the term | 75% |
3rd week of the term | 50% |
4th week of the term | 25% |
5th week of the term | 0% |
Click here for the Semester based program Summer Proration of Charges Policy.
The corresponding percentages above will be applied to tuition, CUSA activity fee, CUSA Campus Improvements Fund Fee, Health, Wellness & Recreation Facilities Fee, The Clarkson School Event Fee, Residential Program Health, Wellness & Recreation Facilities Fee, Non-Residential Program Resource Fee, Room and Meals (consumption is not taken into consideration). There will be no proration of the Student Health Insurance Premium if the coverage is in force.
A Complete Withdrawal for students consists of a student withdrawing from all their enrolled credits within a term.
Complete Withdrawal for students in a Quarter (Summer, Fall, Winter, & Spring) based program:
Prior to the start of the term | 100% |
1st week of the term | 90% |
2nd week of the term | 65% |
3rd week of the term | 0% |
The corresponding percentages above will be applied to tuition, Residential Program Health, Wellness & Recreation Facilities Fee, Non-Residential Program Resource Fee. There will be no proration of the student health insurance premium if coverage is in force.
- A Complete Withdrawal consists of a student withdrawing from all of his/her enrolled credits within a term.
Partial Withdrawal for students enrolled in a Quarter (Summer, Fall, Winter & Spring) based programs:
Prior to the start of the term through the 2nd week of the term | 100% |
3rd week of the term until the end of the term | 0% |
Adjustments will be made only to the tuition cost associated with the withdrawn credit(s).
*A Partial Withdrawal consists of a student withdrawing from one or more of his/her enrolled credits within a term, but still remains enrolled in at least one credit for the term.
Please contact your Student Achievement Specialist if you need assistance determining
your correct category.