Daniel Dullea

Professor Emeritus
Daniel  Dullea Headshot


I am a performance storyteller, actor and civic media filmmaker. During my
career as instructor and Director of Creative Media for the Communication
and Media Department, I taught courses on digital video production, mass
media and public speaking.

My creative work involves teaching and learning with people to make media
and tell stories that encourage ethical and compassionate communities.  I
founded a video journal  North Country Matters, a civic cable and internet
TV magazine whose purpose was to bring together local people and students
to discuss issues, concerns and celebrations of local and global

For 40 years I have also been a Storyteller specializing in intercultural
stories of Environmental Justice to honor the beauty & integrity of the
complex relationships of the flora, fauna and people in healthy ecosystems.
My storytelling events provide culture in its original, earthy sense of
story and celebration, a collaborative dance that tells you where you are,
who is with you and what is important.


Email: ddullea@clarkson.edu

Office Phone Number: 315/268-6428

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5800