
Modi Wang received her B.S. degree in Chemistry at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2013. She then pursued her graduate studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. After receiving her PhD degree in November 2016, Modi joined Prof. Herman O Sintim’s research lab at Purdue University for postdoctoral research. She joined Clarkson University as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry in 2021. In 2023, she started her independent research as an Assistant Professor at Clarkson University.

Education Background

Postdoctoral Scholar - 2021 Purdue University
Chemistry Ph.D. - 2016 Hong Kong Baptist University
Chemistry BS - 2013 Hong Kong Baptist University

Courses Taught

  • CM132 - General Chemistry II
  • CM461/561/BY451/651 - Biochemistry II
  • CM467-27 - Direct Research in Biochemistry
  • CM890-27 - Directed Study in Biochemistry
  • CM990-27 - Thesis, Dissertation and Special Project


Full Publication List in Google Scholar

Selected Publications:

  • M. Wang, R. Chaudhuri, W. W. S. Ong, and H. O. Sintim. “c-di-GMP Induces COX-2 Expression in Macrophages in a STING-Independent Manner” ACS Chem. Biol, 2021, 16, 9, 1663.
  • N. Dayal, M. Wang, and H. O. Sintim. “HSD1787, a Tetrahydro-3H-Pyrazolo[4,3-f]Quinoline Compound Synthesized via Povarov Reaction, Potently Inhibits Proliferation of Cancer Cell Lines at Nanomolar Concentrations” ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 23799
  • M. Wang, N. Naganna, H. O. Sintim. “Identification of nicotinamide aminonaphthyridine compounds as potent RET kinase inhibitors and antitumor activities against RET rearranged lung adenocarcinoma” Bioorg. Chem., 2019, 90, 103052.
  • M. Wang, H. O. Sintim. “Discriminating cyclic from linear nucleotides − CRISPR/Cas- related cyclic hexaadenosine monophosphate as a case study” Anal. Biochem., 2019, 567, 21.
  • M. Wang, M. Sooreshjani, C. Mikek, C. Opoku-Temeng, H. O. Sintim. “Suramin potently inhibits cGAMP synthase, cGAS, in THP1 cells to modulate IFN-β levels” Future Med. Chem., 2018, 10, 1301.
  • M. Wang, Z. Mao, T.-S. Kang, C.-Y. Wong, J.-L. Mergny, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma. “Conjugating a groove-binding motif to Ir(III) complex for the enhancement of G-quadruplex probe behavior” Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 2516.
  • M. Wang, W. Wang, T.-S. Kang, C.-H. Leung, D.-L. Ma. “Development of an iridium(III) complex as a G-quadruplex probe and its application for the G-quadruplex-based luminescent detection of picomolar insulin” Anal. Chem., 2015, 88, 981.
  • D.-L. Ma, M. Wang, B. He, C. Yang, W. Wang, C.-H. Leung. “A luminescent cocaine detection platform using a split G-quadruplex-selective iridium(III) complex and a three-way DNA junction architecture” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 19060



Office Phone Number: 315/268-2352

Office Location: 131 Science Center

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5810

Website: Professor Wang's Website