Clarkson Arnold Air Society at Air Force Detachment 536 to Be in Command and Represent National Headquarters for Arnold Air Society
The Clarkson Arnold Air Society at Air Force Detachment 536 recently competed in the annual conclave for the Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings in San Diego and they won 74% of the vote to now be the National Command for the Society for 2024-2025. These co-organizations operate at over 120 universities.

The Arnold Air Society & Silver Wings are national sister organizations, working together to develop future leaders through community service, professional development, and education about our national defense. Arnold Air Society is a professional development service organization consisting only of Air Force ROTC cadets, whereas Silver Wings is open to anyone.
“For Arnold Air Society, each year a university gets the opportunity to run the organization, and it is completely cadet-run. The change of command happens at this conclave. We now have a team of 10 that ran for this command at the conclave in San Diego (SanDCON) against Michigan State University and Florida State University, and we won 74% of the vote,” said Macy Taylor, C/Brig Gen, AAS, and a Clarkson University Class of 2024 computer engineering major from Chazy, New York.
Arnold Air Society covers 120 universities and over 2300 cadets. Clarkson University will now be at the front of this group for the year and traveling nationally to events and activities that fulfill this mission.
Several military and industry leaders attended the conclave and it was a great opportunity for people to network with other students and cadets(SW and AAS), as well as those leaders. All of these things are made possible with the partnership of the AFA(Air and Space Forces Association),” Taylor said.
Community members who want to support these cadets in Clarkson’s Arnold Air Society and their travel fund by making a gift online ( or by contacting the Development & Alumni Relations Office at 315-268-7718.