Clarkson Professor Dana Barry Presents Live Streamed Talk to 51 KOSEN Colleges in Japan
Clarkson University’s Dr. Dana Barry of Canton was a featured speaker in Japan during the months of February and March. Her talk about Research for Women in Japan was live streamed to 51 KOSEN Colleges. She gave women tips for pursuing research opportunities and shared her unique/creative career experiences. Her advice for female students is to set goals/backup goals and work very hard to achieve them. Dr. Barry told them to take every opportunity that comes along to obtain a job, powerful contacts, and more. She also mentioned that they should make a presence so others will notice their value and importance. This special event was organized by Professor Takehito Kato of NIT (KOSEN) Oyama College. Professor Hideyuki Kanematsu, (of NIT, KOSEN at Suzuka College) who is Dr. Barry’s collaborator in Japan served as her translator. Support was also provided by Professor Isao Taniguchi, President of the National Institute of Technology, NIT, (KOSEN) Japan.

Several highlights of Dr. Barry’s career are provided. While serving as an Editor and Senior Technical Writer for Clarkson’s Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), she received 21 consecutive APEX Awards for Publication Excellence (1996-2016). She had her own TV Series (Sensational Science) with Edwards Productions in Massena that aired for two years. Also, she was acting President for a small private university in Malaysia. When Prof Barry served as a Chemical Consultant at the Corning plant in Canton, she prepared one of the world’s first Hazard Communication and Training Programs required by OSHA. This work is published in the journal of Environmental Health. Barry, Dana. “Hazard Communication and Training: A Prototype,” Journal of Environmental Health, 50, 18 (July/August 1987). Prof Barry has about 400 academic publications that relate to her research on a variety of topics including Science and Creative Education, STEM and Information Communication Technology, Space Exploration, Virtual Reality, Biofilms, COVID-19, Viruses, etc.
Dr. Barry was an invited speaker at the International KRIS 2023 Conference held in Tokyo during the month of March. Her talk was titled Viral Behaviors on Materials’ Surfaces. In addition, she gave a presentation about Activities for Creative Education at NIT (KOSEN) Suzuka College. Professor Takashi Kusaka served as her translator. She also received support from the college President, Professor Motomu Takeshige.
Dr. Dana Barry is a Research Professor in Clarkson’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and works part time at SUNY Canton. She has numerous awards and publications to her name. She has served as a Visiting Professor overseas many times. Also, Dr. Barry has five graduate degrees including those from Osaka University in Japan, Clarkson University, and SUNY Potsdam.