Stephen Bird Promoted to Full Professor at Clarkson University

July 28, 2023

Stephen Bird has been promoted from associate professor to full professor of political science in the School of Arts & Sciences. He also directs the Institute for a Sustainable Environment’s (ISE) Adirondack Semester. He is jointly appointed with the Humanities and Social Science department and the Institute for a Sustainable Environment.

Headshot, Stephen Bird

He completed his Ph.D. on energy policy, social networks, and interest groups at Boston University in 2009. He received his Masters’ from Harvard University (extension) in 2003, was a Kennedy Rappaport Fellow in 2004, and worked for Harvard’s Electricity Policy Group from 2001-2010. He is Research Faculty Affiliate with the Positive Energy Project at the University of Ottawa where he was also the Fulbright Scholar Visiting Research Chair in Governance and Public Administration in 2016-2017. 

Dr. Bird’s primary research focus is on energy and environmental policy. His current research is focused on energy conflict, social acceptance, smart housing and split incentives, energy governance, and policy for emerging energy technologies.

He has been PI or Co-PI on research projects for New York State and the National Science Foundation with research partners that include IBM, AMD, and National Grid. Other engagements include the U.S. State Department, the European Commission, Massachusetts Environmental Affairs, and Mass Energy (a consumer’s energy non-profit). 

He is an avid outdoors person (rock and ice climbing, hiking, hockey, racquetball), advisor to the outing club, and plays electric bass in a variety of jazz and rock settings in the north country.

Clarkson University is a proven leader in technological education, research, innovation and sustainable economic development. With its main campus in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the Capital Region and Hudson Valley, Clarkson faculty have a direct impact on more than 7,800 students annually through nationally recognized undergraduate and graduate STEM designated degrees in engineering, business, science and health professions; executive education, industry-relevant credentials and K-12 STEM programs. Alumni earn salaries among the top 2% in the nation: one in five already leads in the c-suite. To learn more go to
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