Family Care Resources
Family Care Resources Guide
View the Guide
Clarkson University’s Family Care Working Group, as part of the NSF STEM LEAF/ADVANCE grant, is happy to provide the Family Care Resources Guide: general information on relevant policies, procedures, and resources at Clarkson University (note that community resources are focused around the Potsdam campus) and in St. Lawrence County.
Included in the Family Care Resources Guide are:
- Breastfeeding resources
- Care of adult children resources
- Child care resources
- Elder care resources
- Employee Assistance Program information
- Health care resources
- LGBTQ+ resources
- Mental health care resources
- Pet resources
- Politics at Clarkson University related to family care
It is important to note that the Family Care Resources Guide is:
- a guide to information and resources to help faculty and staff better understand Clarkson policies that impact their work/family/life circumstances; it may not fit your specific case and
- not meant to replace speaking with the faculty or staff member’s direct supervisor and/or human resources.
Child Care Resource for Faculty, Staff and Students
Clarkson University, SUNY Canton, & SUNY Potsdam are committed to assisting families with locating high-quality licensed childcare programs.
This resource was created to assist faculty, staff, and students in exploring childcare options available in communities in St. Lawrence County.
Two Primary Child Care Resources Discussed On this Page
- Your local resource for finding child care providers.
- Will answer your questions by phone, assist you through the process of finding providers, and help you to determine whether or not you qualify for financial assistance.
“Founded in 1989, the St. Lawrence Child Care Council (SLCCC) was established to support and expand a child care system to improve the availability of quality child care options and services in St. Lawrence County. The SLCCC is a not for-profit child care resource and referral agency providing information, education and resources to families, providers, community members and employers to meet the early care and learning needs in our community.”
For the most up-to-the-minute information about child care services in St. Lawrence County, go to the SLCCC website, and then call! As a local agency, SLCCC can provide information requiring local knowledge – for example, about child care providers on the way from an employee’s home to their work.
Resource and Referral Agency
“If you are looking for childcare, the child care resource and referral agency (CCRR) in your county is a great place to start. CCRR agencies collect and maintain up-to-date information about all types of legal childcare programs in their areas. CCRR counselors can provide you with information about various types of programs, costs, financial assistance and guidelines for selecting childcare. If you want help finding childcare or have questions about childcare, contact your local CCRR.” - https://ocfs.ny.gov/programs/childcare/looking/#ccrr
Click Here for the St. Lawrence Child Care Council Website
314 Ford Street Ogdensburg, NY 13669-1404
Telephone: (315) 393-6474
Toll Free: (800) 246-5352
SLCCC Email Address: geninfo@stlawrencechildcare.org
- State agency providing you with an overview of child care resources.
- Will give you an understanding of what to look for when selecting child care and allow you to search online for regulated child care providers in NY State.
- Providing oversight and monitoring of regulated child care (family day care, group family day care, school-age child care and day care centers)
“Choosing child care is an important decision. Safe and positive child care sets the stage for healthy growth and development. It takes time, patience and an understanding of what to look for when selecting childcare. You know
the needs of your child and family. However, you may need assistance in matching those needs to available resources. That is why OCFS is proud to share with you the supports we have put in place to assist you in making this important decision. You can learn about these options in the short videos available on our website.”
Link to the Office of Children and Family Services Website
OCFS Resources
Search for Regulated Child Care
Inspections and Enforcement
A Parent's Guide to Child Care Options
Paying for Child Care
Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCRR)
Regional Office of the Division of Child Care Services
Open NY
OCFS Search Feature
“The Search for Child Care page will allow you to search the entire database of regulated child care providers in New York State (except for day care centers in New York City). You can look up a specific provider by name, or all the providers in a particular county or even zip code. You can also search by different types of care, such as family day care or day care centers. The results for a program will include contact information, address, capacity, when it first opened and the current status of its license or registration.”
Clarkson University
Family Care Working Group, advance@Clarkson.edu
SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program
Dr. Maureen Maiocco
Ms. Christina Martin
SUNY Potsdam