Order Your Transcripts

How can you get a copy of your Official Transcript?

Official Electronic Transcripts: Clarkson University has partnered with Parchment to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of your official electronic Clarkson University transcript. Ordering an electronic transcript through Parchment is fast and easy, and transcripts are typically delivered in less than an hour.

To order an electronic transcript, current students and recent alumni should log into myCU (mycu.clarkson.edu) and select Order Transcript from the Academics menu in the left-hand navigation. From there, select Order an Electronic Transcript to be taken to our Parchment storefront. 
Students who no longer have access to their myCU account can visit the Parchment Website below to create an account and place a secure order.

Order Credentials from Parchment

Paper Transcripts: Clarkson will continue to provide hard-copy transcripts. Current students, and recent alumni within one year of graduation can request a transcript through their myCU account (mycu.clarkson.edu) by selecting Order Transcript from the Academics menu in the left-hand navigation. From there, select Order a Paper Transcript- it's simple! Students who no longer have access to their myCU account should request their paper transcript through Parchment.

Information for Union Graduate College Alumni:

  • Union College or Graduate College Alumni with records before July 17, 2003, should send their requests to www.getmytranscript.org. Information is available at www.union.edu/registrar/transcripts-and-grades.  Questions can be directed to the Union College Registrar's Office at (518) 388-6109.  
  • Union Graduate College Alumni with records after July 18, 2003 may request an official transcript through Parchment. 
  • If you are not sure where your transcript may be held, please contact us at 315-268-2223 for assistance.

Fees for Official Transcripts

All transcripts ordered through Parchment and sent within the United States are subject to a $10 processing fee. Rush services and international mailing are not available through Parchment, although most electronic transcripts are delivered within an hour. If you require these services, please complete an Academic Record Transcript Request form and submit to sas@clarkson.edu.  Current rates for rush or international mailing are listed on the request form.
How do you pay for your transcript(s)?

Fees for transcripts ordered through Parchment are paid directly to Parchment during the ordering process. For students who are submitting a PDF request form, payment can be submitted by check, money order, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover). We strongly recommend that you do not send personal information such as credit card or social security number by email. Please include a telephone number with your information should we have further questions or need additional information. Transcripts cannot be charged to student accounts.

Unofficial Transcripts

Student Achievement Services only issues official Clarkson University transcripts. Current students have unrestricted access to their unofficial transcript by logging into myCU (mycu.clarkson.edu) and selecting Academics, then View Unofficial Transcript from the left navigation menu. Former students who wish to view their academic transcript should order an official copy, using one of the methods described above.

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