Clarkson-made Collectible: Tensegrity Stand

We're so glad you came to visit, and hope you had a memorable experience.

If you took home our Clarkson Tensegrity Stand, you've come to the right place to learn more about this unique collectible in your possession.

CU Tensegrity Stand with Clarkson logo

Our Clarkson-branded tensegrity stand was designed by a team of students, Oh Shoot!, for the 2023 President's Challenge. Not only was it designed by our students, but it was also fabricated in our Dorf Makerspace by our students. So, you have a 100% student made product!

The members of Oh Shoot!, four students from the Class of 2027, created this product that won the Civil Engineering category.

About the product itself, team member Abigail Jeffers '27 says, "The fundamental concept of tensegrity structures is that the components appear to be floating, which is achieved by keeping the structure in tension." She adds, "Throughout the process, each member of the team brought different abilities that ultimately made us successful. Members of the team that were more creative were crucial during the ideation phase, members of the team with CAD software experience contributed during the prototyping phase, and members with strong communication skills were crucial for making sure that everyone's interests and ideas were heard."

Having a faculty mentor and input was also helpful to the team. "Meeting with faculty, both through Ignite and through academic departments, was the best part of completing the President's Challenge. The connections I have made will hopefully lead to innumerable future possibilities! Clarkson is the only school I know of that does this sort of competition, and it sets them apart from all the rest," says Charlie Grove '27.

As first year students, the team appreciated getting hands-on learning related to both the classroom and life at Clarkson. Team member Keona Ly '27 adds, "The president's challenge was a good way for me, and the team as a whole, to apply what we were learning in real time. Not only that, but it was a lot easier to become more comfortable with the people and resources on campus. Without an incentive to find a faculty staff member or to coordinate with the Makerspace, there's a good chance I wouldn't have done those things on my own accord until later on in my college career."

In the end, the team not only learned a lot of new skills, but also had fun while doing it. Abbie O'Brien '27 concludes, "Our team developed skills in a number of areas through this process -- from assessing how to delegate responsibilities, to working over an extended period of time with new individuals, to reaching out to access resources that we had not previously known were available, to overcoming various challenges -- all whilst making sure that we enjoyed the process and were designing a final product which we would be proud of."

What will YOU make as a Clarkson student?

Meet the Team: Keona Ly '27

Chemical Engineering

Halfmoon, New York

Fun Fact: 
I'm a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and I presented my research at Clarkson's summer 2023 Research and Project Showcase (RAPS). 

Meet the Team: Abigail Jeffers '27

Environmental Engineering

Clifton Park, New York

Fun Fact: 
I'm the treasurer of the Timber Bridge SPEED team and a member of Engineers for International Sustainability. I was also a Wastewater Engineering Intern at NYSDEC. 

Meet the Team: Abbie O'Brien '27

Chemical Engineering

Dayville, Connecticut

Fun Fact: 
I'm in the Honors Program and co-chair of the Honors Steering Board. I'm also the media chair for Engineers for International Sustainability. 

Meet the Team: Charlie Grove '27

Civil Engineering

Naples, New York

Fun Fact: 
I'm a senator in the CUSA Finance Committee and a member of the Rod and Gun Club.

It has been a pleasure to serve as the team’s faculty mentor during the last seven months. The evolution of the collectible, from the initial concepts pitched by the team in September of last year to the finished product available today, is remarkable and is due wholly to the team’s creativity, determination, and ability to utilize the staff and resources available through Clarkson Ignite, the Dorf Makerspace, and the Shipley Center for Innovation. The finished interactive tensegrity stand collectible serves as an exemplar of what our students can achieve, and as chair of the CEE department, I can’t think of a better way to introduce prospective students to all that Clarkson engineering has to offer them."

- Dr. Steve Wojtkiewicz Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Each fall semester, Clarkson Ignite hosts the President's Challenge. The challenge itself may change annually, but the "why" behind it remains the same: to bring together cross-functional teams who will address a real-world need using innovation, teamwork and creativity by devleoping a prototype or compelling conceptual design. In 2023, the President's Challenge was completed by over 100 teams and over 500 students, competing for incredible prizes and campus glory.

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Civil engineering is where innovation meets infrastructure. Clarkson students engage in a dynamic curriculum where science, technology and creativity work harmoniously. From designing sustainable structures to tackling global challenges, our hands-on approach transforms students into future industry trailblazers. Clarkson goes beyond theoretical knowledge, offering cutting-edge research opportunities and collaborative projects with impactful outcomes. Join our vibrant community of engineers dedicated to pushing boundaries and building our future.

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