Joint Programs: Capital Region
The Clarkson University School of Business has several joint programs with organizations located in the Capital Region.
The Clarkson University School of Business has several joint programs with organizations located in the Capital Region.
Union College students considering entrance into the accelerated Bachelor’s/Healthcare Management MBA program should consult with an MBA program advisor and apply for admission during the sophomore, junior, or first term of the senior year. Graduate courses can be taken beginning in junior year. Three graduate courses of the 16 course program can be taken during undergraduate study at Union and the program is typically completed during the senior and fifth years.
This program is designed to meet the management development goals of students enrolled at Albany Law School. Students spend their first year in law studies, their second year in management studies, and their third and fourth years in law and management studies. Three designated law courses transfer into the MBA degree. Students are required to complete their MBA the winter term of the year they petition to graduate at ALS. Students may choose either the MBA or the MBA in Healthcare Management degree.
The combined PharmD/MBA or PharmD/MS programs allows students to “double count” courses which reduces the total time and cost associated with completing the two degrees separately. In addition, PharmD students meet the MBA Internship Requirement with the selected practicum experiences which are part of the PharmD program 6th year curriculum at ACPHS. Most joint program students complete the course requirements on a part-time basis over a three year period (years 4-6 at ACPHS).
The BS/MBA in Healthcare Management or BS/MS in Clinical Leadership joint programs allow students to “double count” courses which reduces the total time and cost associated with completing the two degrees separately. Beyond the double counted courses, remaining classes are usually completed on a full-time basis the year following graduation from ACPHS. In addition to coursework, all BS/MBA students are required to complete an administrative internship. The BS/MS does not require an administrative internship.
The Clarkson Healthcare MBA program gives graduates of Siena College several options to complete this degree with complete flexibility. The Healthcare MBA allows students to complete courses on campus in Schenectady, NY or online (or mix the two). Classes are offered on a quarter basis and the degree can be completed in about two years. Students have the ability to reduce their program with course waivers that can be achieved through Siena College coursework. The Clarkson Healthcare MBA articulation agreement with Siena College also provides students an accelerated admissions process as well as exclusive scholarship opportunities.
Clarkson University jointly offers an eight-year Leadership in Medicine program with Union College and Albany Medical College. Students in the program earn a BS from Union College, either an MBA in Healthcare Management (16 courses) or an MS in Clinical Leadership (12 courses) from Clarkson University and an MD from Albany Medical College. Students choosing this option take graduate courses while fulfilling all other requirements of the program at Union College and Albany Medical College throughout the eight years of the program. During their four years in residence at Union College, students pay tuition based on degree requirements for a BS degree from Union College and an MS degree in Clinical Leadership from Clarkson. Students choosing the MBA option pay for the four additional courses at the Clarkson University graduate tuition rate in effect in the student’s spring term of senior year of undergraduate study.
The Clarkson University MBA in Healthcare Management/Albany Medical College MD is designed to provide students with a business understanding specific to healthcare and move them on to their medical education quickly. Dual degree students are first admitted to Albany Medical College and then apply separately to Clarkson University. Once admitted to both institutions, they defer the start of medical school by one year and spend one year at Clarkson University working on MBA courses. The second through fifth years are spent completing the MD degree requirements at Albany Medical College. Alternatively, it is possible to join the Dual degree program after the start of medical school. Students would leave medical school at the end of their third year and spend 13 months at Clarkson University completing MBA course requirements. They return to medical school for their final year. The combined programs allow students to “double count” courses which reduces the total time and cost associated with completing the two degrees separately.