Christian Felzensztein

Professor, Consumer & Organizational Studies / Reh Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership / Co-Director Reh Center Entrepreneurship
Christian  Felzensztein Headshot


Christian Felzensztein holds the David D. Reh Family Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership. His experience includes work with private-elite business schools and start-ups in Europe. Previously he was the Dean's Chair in Strategy at Massey University in New Zealand, leading new research and internationalization; founding-director of the Global Entrepreneurship Development Centre at Kingston University in London UK; founder-director of the Research Center for International Competitiveness at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (UAI) in Latin America; head of a Graduate Business School in Chile and founder of two consultancy firms.

His research is multidisciplinary having practical impact for managers and policy makers. He has done expert work on internationalization and strategy for the European Parliament in Brussels, The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services in London and has advised start-ups, universities and incubators in diverse countries.

His 95+ plus publications appear in journals like Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Long Range Planning, International Business Review, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Small Business Management, and Journal of Business Research, among many others.

Felzensztein's received his Ph.D. in marketing/entrepreneurship and M.Sc. in international marketing from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, his MBA and B.S. in business & economics from Universidad Austral, a postgraduate diploma in economic development & entrepreneurship from Weitz Center for Development Studies in Israel, and the executive leadership program at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. 

Research Interests

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Strategy
  • Industry clusters
  • Internationalization of small firms
  • Family businesses
  • Emerging economies
  • Latin America


  • Felzensztein, C., Tretiakov, A., & Velez-Ocampo, J. F. (2024) "Parentalistic leadership and crisis responses by small entrepreneurial firms", Small Enterprise Research, 31(2), 198–216
  • Felzensztein, C. and Bagheri, A. (2024), "Start-ups’ scaling-up strategies at the regional periphery", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research,
  • Xu, R., Zhu, X., Wang, Y., Gu, J. and Felzensztein, C. (2024), "Inter-firm coopetition and innovation in industrial clusters: the role of institutional support", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 39 No. 4, pp. 832-856.
  • Felzensztein, C. and Fuerst, S. (2023) A Research Agenda for International Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, UK
  • Xu, Zhu, Wang, Gu, Felzensztein, C.  (2023) “Inter-firm coopetition and innovation in industrial clusters: The role of institutional support' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (forthcoming). 
  • Felzensztein, C. and Tretiakov, A. (2023) "Technology adaptation: micro new ventures in a COVID-19 lockdown", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 1007-1026.
  • Felzensztein, C., Crick, D., Gonzalez, M, Jurado, T., Etchebarne, M. (2022) “Capabilities and the internationalisation of smaller-sized, service-oriented firms in the southern hemisphere”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 533-561, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2020.1815235
  • Mika, J., Felzensztein, C., Tretiakov, A., & Macpherson, W. (2022). Indigenous entrepreneurial ecosystems: A comparison of Mapuche entrepreneurship in Chile and Māori entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-19. doi:10.1017/jmo.2022.15
  • Felzensztein, C. and Gimmon, E. (2021), "Facilitating entrepreneurship in the failing Cuban economic model?" Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
  • Felzensztein, C., Saridakis, G., Idris, B., Elizondo, G. (2021) “Do economic freedom, business experience, and firm size affect internationalization speed? Evidence from small firms in Chile, Colombia, and Peru” Journal of International Entrepreneurship,
  • Gimmon, E. and Felzensztein, C. (2021) “The emergence of family entrepreneurship in the transition economy of Cuba”, International Journal of Emerging Economies,
  •  Macpherson, W., Tretiakov, A., Mika, J., Felzensztein, C. (2021) “Indigenous entrepreneurship: Insights from Chile and New Zealand”, Journal of Business Research, 127, 77–84
  • Felzensztein, C., Crick, D., Gonzalez, M, Jurado, T., Etchebarne, M. (2020) “Capabilities and the internationalisation of smaller-sized, service-oriented firms in the southern hemisphere”, Journal of Strategic Marketing,
  • Tretiakov, A., Felzensztein, C. Mika, J. and Mcpherson, W. (2020) “Family, community and globalization: entrepreneurs as n-cultural", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 1-22
  • Pino, C., Felzensztein, C., Chetty, S. (2019) “Institutional knowledge in Latin American SMEs”, Journal of Small Business Management,
  • Brache, J. and Felzensztein, C. (2019) “Exporting firm's engagement with trade associations”, International Business Review, 28(1), 25
  • Felzensztein, C. Deans, K. and Dana, L. (2019) “Small firms in regional clusters: Local networks for internationalization in the southern hemisphere”, Journal of Small Business Management, 57(2), 496-516
  • Brache, J. and Felzensztein, C. (2019) “Geographical co-location and SME´s export performance”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 105, 310-321
  • Felzensztein, C. and Fuerst, S. (2018) “Entrepreneurship and SMEs internationalization in Latin America”, Academia, 31(4), 626-632
  • Felzensztein, C. Gimmon, E., Deans, K. (2018) “Coopetition in regional clusters: Keep calm and expect unexpected changes” Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 116-124
  • Nicholson, J., Gimmon, E., & Felzensztein, C. (2017) “Economic geography and business networks: Creating a dialogue between disciplines”, Industrial Marketing Management. 61, 4-9
  • Geldes, C., Felzensztein, C., Palacios, J. (2017) “Technological and non-technological innovations for propensity to innovate: The case of an emerging economy”, Industrial Marketing Management. 61, 55-66
  • Geldes, C. Heredia, J and Felzensztein, C. (2017) “Proximity as determinant of business cooperation for technological and non-technological innovations” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32, 167-178
  • Pino, C., Felzensztein, C. Zwerg, Arias, L. (2016) “Non-technological innovations: Market performance of exporting firms in South America”, Journal of Business Research 69, pp. 4385–4393
  • Felzensztein, C. (2016) “International entrepreneurship in and from emerging economies” Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol 14, No1, pp. 5-7
  • Amoros, Etchebarne, Torres, Felzensztein, C. (2016) “International entrepreneurial firms in Chile”, Journal of Business Research, Vol 69, Issue 6, pp. 2052-2060
  • Felzensztein, C., Ciravegna, L., Robson, P., Amorós, E (2015). “The international strategy of Latin American SMEs: the effects of networks and entrepreneurship orientation”, Journal of Small Business Management, 53, S1, p. 145–160
  • Little, C., Felzensztein, C., Gimmon, E., Muñoz, P. (2015) “The business management of the salmon farming industry”, Marine Policy, Vol. 54, pp. 108–117
  • Geldes, C., Felzensztein, C., Turkina, E., Durand, A. (2015) “How does proximity affect marketing cooperation? A study of clusters in emerging economies”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68, Issue 2, pp. 263–272
  • Felzensztein, C., Stringer, C., Benson-Rea, M., Freeman, S. (2014) "International Marketing Strategies in Industrial Clusters: insights from the southern hemisphere", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Issue 5, pp 837-846
  • Dimitratos, P., Amoros, E., Etchebarne, S., Felzensztein, C., (2014) “Micro Multinational or Not? The Effects of International Entrepreneurship, Networking and Learning”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Issue 5, 908–915
  • Felzensztein, C. and Gimmon, E. (2014) "Competitive advantage in global markets", European Business Review, special issue on Sustainability, Vol. 26, Issue 6, pp. 568 – 587
  • Felzensztein, C. Brodt, S., Gimmon, E. (2014) “Do Strategic Marketing and Social Capital Really Matter in Regional Clusters?”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Issue 4, pp. 498-507



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