Clarkson University Research Professor Receives Service Award, Publishes Academic Papers

January 5, 2024

Dana Barry, a Research Professor in Clarkson University’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, received a Service Award in recognition of her many contributions to the KES International Organization. For the past 10 years, she gave Keynote Presentations and Chaired Invited Sessions for the field of Intelligent Systems in the KES International Conferences. She also has three new publications that are mentioned below.

Dana Barry Displays her Kimono while giving a presentation about Japan.

Aoyama, N., Kanematsu, H., Barry, D. M., Miura, H., Ogawa, A., Kogo, T., Kawai, R., Hagio, T., Hirai, N., Kato, T., Yoshitake, M., & Ichino, R. (2023). AC Electromagnetic Field Controls the Biofilms on the Glass Surface by Escherichia coli & Staphylococcus epidermidis Inhibition Effect. Materials, 16(21), 7051

Barry, Dana M., Kanematsu, Hideyuki, & Tanaka, Toshihiro (2023). Creative Teaching Using Hybrid e-learning and Virtual Reality. Procedia Computer Science, 225 (2023) 1151-1160. 

Creative teaching using hybrid e-learning and virtual reality - ScienceDirect

Kanematsu, Hideyuki, Barry, Dana M., Ogawa, Nobuyuki, Yajima, Kuniaki, Nakahira, Katsuko T. Suzuki, Shin-nosuke, Kato, Takehito, Shirai, Tatsuya, Kawaguchi, Masashi, Yoshitake, Michiko (2023). Evaluation Methods and Differences between Three- Dimensional and Two- Dimensional Movies by Physiological Measurements Using a Commercial 6-Axis Sensor. Procedia Computer Science, 225 (2023) 4631-4639. Evaluation Methods and Differences between Three Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Movies by Physiological Measurements Using A Commercial 6-Axis Sensor - ScienceDirect

In late October, Barry served as Coordinator of National Chemistry Week for the Northern New York Section of the American Chemical Society. Also, while wearing a kimono, she recently presented a SOAR Course (Stimulating Opportunities after Retirement) about the Beauty and Culture of Japan at SUNY Potsdam.

In addition to her work at Clarkson, she is an Instructional Support Assistant at SUNY Canton. She is a member and a Chemistry Ambassador for the American Chemical Society, a member of the Planetary Society, and plays the trumpet in a few North Country Bands. She has more than 400 academic publications, five graduate degrees, and numerous honors. 

Clarkson University is a proven leader in technological education, research, innovation and sustainable economic development. With its main campus in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the Capital Region and Hudson Valley, Clarkson faculty have a direct impact on more than 7,800 students annually through nationally recognized undergraduate and graduate STEM designated degrees in engineering, business, science and health professions; executive education, industry-relevant credentials and K-12 STEM programs. Alumni earn salaries among the top 2% in the nation: one in five already leads in the c-suite. To learn more go to
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