Statistical Process Control

Statistical Process Control
Statistical Process Control Microcredential Badge

When you earn the Statistical Process Control microcredential, you will be able to recognize out-of-control patterns and determine process capability for industry-relevant applications.

In this introduction to Statistical Process Control (SPC), you will recognize data types, measurement system analysis, and sampling methods.  Emphasis is placed on constructing control charts and calculating control limits.  

SPC is a tool used by engineers and manufacturing leadership to monitor and improve process performance in manufacturing.  

As a participant, you will:

  • Explain the purpose of SPC and define key process control terminology.
  • Explain the difference between variable and attribute data and identify examples of each type of data
  • Perform and interpret measurement system capability using Gauge R&R studies and use Attribute Agreement
  • Analysis to evaluate inspection operations
  • Explain sampling and its application to SPC, and describe how rational subgrouping is used
  • Explain the differences between control limits and specification limits.
  • Construct control charts and calculate control limits to recognize process behavior and conduct process capability studies.

Many of the positions at companies I am applying to for internships/co-ops involve the application of statistical process control, especially six sigma."


At Clarkson, our microcredentials are designed by industry experts, built by educators.

You earn a digital badge to signal specific achievement to your professional network. These are concise, specialized skills and knowledge, providing a flexible and efficient way for learners to acquire industry-relevant competencies. The digital badge is verified through Open Badge Factory and can be added to your LinkedIn, resume, online portfolio or more.

Learners will use narrated video lectures and external resources to prepare to pass the quizzes.

This microcredential is assessed by eight auto-graded quizzes and one final assessment with matching, multiple-choice and true/false question types. Earners must receive at least a 80% score on all quizzes and final assessment, and can do so using unlimited attempts.

Earners will have received at least 80% or higher on eight quizzes and one final assessment which tests them on data types, measurement system analysis, and sampling methods as well as constructing control charts and calculating control limits.  This course will help students recognize out-of-control patterns and determine process capability for industry-relevant applications.

Enroll NowAvailable to current students, faculty & staff.


Statistical process control, attributes, variables, control charts, process capability


Asynchronous online


Ongoing with continuous enrollment




3 hours

Sample Lesson

Here you can sample the learning experience when you view a recorded segment contained in the course. Meet the instructor and listen as he steps you through an introduction to key terms that form the basis of your learning as the course progresses.

Learn More About the Statistical Process Control Microcredential

Meet Your Instructor

Steven has been an adjunct instructor in the Clarkson University School of Business since 2003, teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in Quality Management & Lean Enterprise and Operations & Supply Chain Management. He is also a Clarkson alumnus, earning a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Engineering & Management in 1990 and an M.S. in Engineering and Manufacturing Management in 2000.

Steven has worked in manufacturing since 1990, gaining practical knowledge and first-hand experience with the topics in this workshop. He is currently a Continuous Improvement Senior Specialist at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN, and has also held quality, lean manufacturing, and engineering leadership positions in the medical device, telecommunications, aluminum, and aerospace industries. Between 2004 and 2008, he served as director of graduate and undergraduate programs at Clarkson and was influential in integrating classroom and distance learning based education for working professionals.

He is a Senior Member and Certified Quality Engineer with the American Society for Quality and a certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. Steven co-authored The Executive Guide to Understanding and Implementing Lean Six Sigma (ASQ Quality Press, 2007) and his areas of specialization include quality system management, internal auditing, lean operations, and statistical process control.

His goal for this microcredential is to provide you with a valuable and interactive learning experience.  
This course was developed in collaboration with Clarkson University Associate Professor Dr. Carl Hoover.

Get Ready to Learn

Clarkson students, faculty and staff: All students at Clarkson are encouraged to earn microcredentials. Sign up to get started right away. When you click to enroll, login using Clarkson email and proceed to microcredential learning.

New and Returning Guests: if you are an alum, partner or friend of Clarkson - Welcome! We have many microcredentials that are available for you to sign up for. If returning, simply login using your own email or if new, click to create a new account. Follow prompts for pricing and payment. Begin learning in no time at all.