Leadership Skills for Manufacturing

Leadership Skills for Manufacturing
Leadership Skills for Manufacturing - Knowledge Clarkson University

When you complete this experience, you are on the path of effective leadership with impactful behaviors, effective communication and proven styles. Important for all majors.

As a participant, you will:

  • Describe seven traits of highly effective leaders
  • Demonstrate the principles of committed action and effective communication
  • Contrast transactional leadership with transformational leadership, 
  • Summarize situational leadership, 
  • Identify the four styles of leadership behavior, 
  • Recognize and relate the leadership skills that are required for different levels of management, 
  • Assess your level of self-awareness for leadership

Being a skilled leader can mean access to new opportunities in and out of the workplace. Relating to others in high pressure situations and being able to act effectively on your strengths is a powerful combo employers want you to bring to the workplace.  

This course is recommended for anyone in all disciplines seeking to gain high performing leadership skills.

Leadership impacts both internal (employees) and external (suppliers, investors, community) stakeholders. It includes the ability to act decisively, achieve goals, improve operational and financial performance, and beat the competition. This microcredential represents a claim that you can describe the seven traits of highly effective leaders, demonstrate the principles of committed action and effective communication, contrast transactional leadership with transformational leadership, summarize situational leadership, identify the four styles of leadership behavior, recognize and relate the leadership skills that are required for different levels of management, and assess your level of self-awareness for leadership. Earning this microcredential will require you to demonstrate the supporting knowledge in leadership skills.

This can be very helpful in any type of administrative or management position to any upcoming graduates, or even someone looking to lead in their on campus projects/ clubs.

Carson Wescott, 2024 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Course Details

At Clarkson, our microcredentials are designed by industry experts, built by educators.

You earn a digital badge to signal specific achievement to your professional network. These are concise, specialized skills and knowledge, providing a flexible and efficient way for learners to acquire industry-relevant competencies. The digital badge is verified through Open Badge Factory and can be added to your LinkedIn, resume, online portfolio or more.

Learners will use narrated video lectures, case studies, and external resources to prepare to pass the quizzes.

This micro-credential is assessed by six auto-graded quizzes with multiple-choice and true/false question types. Earners must receive at least a 90% score on all size quizzes, and can do so using unlimited attempts.

Earners will have received at least 90% or higher on six quizzes which ask them to describe the seven traits of highly effective leaders, demonstrate the principles of committed action and effective communication, and assess your level of self-awareness and congruence with your actions and words.

Enroll NowAvailable to current students, faculty & staff.


Leadership, Management Styles, Committed Action, Communication


Asynchronous online


Ongoing with continuous enrollment




10 hours

Meet Your Instructor

William is an operations and services executive. He has an extensive 30 year background focused on operations and manufacturing  management. His expertise includes excelling in challenging, high-performance environments and delivering profitability by using a metrics-based decision making methodology. His experience includes leading and integrating product development, manufacturing, and supply chain management with services while building teams that support the tactical execution of strategic objectives.

During his career he has been responsible for managing hardware engineering and new product development, manufacturing, procurement, quality, warehousing and distribution, and services including installations, professional services, depot repair, field service, and call center. He currently advises and consults in all areas of business.

An active supporter of the University, William pursues hiring Clarkson graduates because of their knowledge, work ethic, and business impact. He engages Clarkson students in work-based learning experiences and sources project-based work to Clarkson graduates. He is the current Chair of the Reh School of Business Dean's Business Leadership Council and a former founder and chair of the Engineering and Management external advisory council.

William resides in New Hartford, New York with his wife Marie. They have two children, Tyler and Trevor. Trevor is a 2019 Clarkson Engineering and Management graduate. Tyler is a 2020 Clarkson Master of Science in Data Analytics graduate.

Sample Lesson

Watch this seven-minute presentation to gain an overview of the learning experience. Meet the instructor and see how he will step you through key points in leadership skills development with clear audio narration and attractive visual presentation.

Watch the Leadership Skills Introduction Sample Lesson

Get Ready to Learn

Clarkson students, faculty and staff: All students at Clarkson are encouraged to earn microcredentials. Sign up to get started right away. When you click to enroll, login using Clarkson email and proceed to microcredential learning.

New and Returning Guests: if you are an alum, partner or friend of Clarkson - Welcome! We have many microcredentials that are available for you to sign up for. If returning, simply login using your own email or if new, click to create a new account. Follow prompts for pricing and payment. Begin learning in no time at all.