Coulter School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Newsletter: July 2024

Message From the Dean

Greetings from Clarkson University, and welcome to the July edition of the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Newsletter. This month, we’re highlighting research on an innovative PFAS mitigation technique as well as the development of advanced technology for deep tissue imaging. We also look at some recent honors for our students and professors. Please enjoy reading our latest news!

— Bill Jemison, Dean of the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering and Applied Sciences / Tony Collins Professor of Innovative Engineering Culture

Innovative PFAS Mitigation

Shoulders-up close-up of Yang Yang in light blue open-collared shirt.

Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Yang Yang has published research in Nature Water, a sister journal of Nature focusing on water sustainability. Yang's team developed an innovative non-thermal, cost-effective method of near-complete defluorination and mineralization of PFAS in various types of wastewater.
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Seo Leads Journal Issue

Close-up of Jihoon Seo in black, open-collared shirt.

Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Jihoon Seo will lead the Electrochemical Society Journal of Solid State Science and Technology in publishing a focus issue honoring Professor Emeritus S.V. Babu. Seo will lead a team of guest editors from companies like Intel, Micron, Applied Materials, Ebara and Entegris in the issue to celebrate Babu’s 80th birthday.
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Deep Tissue Imaging

Close-up portrait of Xiaocun Lu in white, open-collared shirt

Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry Xiaocun Lu has been awarded an Engineering Research Initiation grant from the National Science Foundation. The award will support his pioneering research to develop advanced biophotonic technology for deep tissue imaging that could overcome the limitations of traditional imaging methods such as MRI, CT, and ultrasound imaging. 
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Levinus Clarkson Award

Chest-up photo of Miles Compani in green and gold commencement regalia with green mortarboard hat

Engineering & Management senior Miles Compani was honored with the Levinus Clarkson Award at Commencement. Selected for the $1,000 award by a vote of the full University faculty, based on his scholarship and promise of outstanding achievement, he is now pursuing a PhD in engineering science and a master’s in engineering management.
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